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【童话文学】爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland

发布时间:2021-07-13 21:49:02

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)


爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland下集

Alice came to a big field. It was full ofwhite roses. She saw three cards with heads, feet and hands! They were near theroses.


What are you doing?’ asked Alice.


The Queen hates white roses. We must paint them red,’ said thecards.


Suddenly, Alice heard some trumpets. It wasthe Queen of Hearts. There were lots of guards behind her. They were all cardstoo!


Who are you?’ the Queen shouted.


I’m Alice,’ said Alice.


Oh. Can you play croquet?’ asked the Queen. ‘No, I can’t,’ saidAlice.


But the Queen didn’t listen. ‘You must playcroquet with me,’ she said. The game was very strange. The balls were hedgehogsand the sticks were flamingoes!


I won’t play!’ said Alice.


Don’t make the Queen angry!’ said the cat.


But it was too late! The Queen got veryangry.


Guards, take her away!’ shouted the Queen.



The guards took Alice to court. The roomwas full of animals.


Why am I here?’ asked Alice. ‘What did I do?’ ‘You didn’t playcroquet!’ said the Queen.

Now Alice was angry!为什么带我到这里,爱丽丝问:我做了什么?你没玩槌球游戏,王后说。现在爱丽丝生气了。

You’re crazy!’ she shouted. ‘I wanted to come to Wonderland. Iwanted to see what it is like. But I don’t like it. You’re all crazy!’你们这些疯子,爱丽丝叫道:我想来仙境,我想看看这里什么样的,但我不喜欢这里,你们都是疯子。

The Queen was very angry. Her face was veryred.王后很生气,她的脸都气红了。

Don’t shout at me! You are a bad girl!’ she shouted. 不要对我叫嚷,你是个坏女孩。王后喊着

And you are a bad Queen. You paint roses red and you play croquetwith flamingoes and hedgehogs!’ said Alice.你是个坏王后,你把玫瑰涂成红色,你把刺猬和火烈鸟玩槌球游戏。

All the animals in the room looked at theQueen. They were very frightened.法庭上所有的动物们都看着王后,他们都非常震惊。

Guards, take her to prison!’ the Queen shouted. 卫兵,,王后命令道。

The guards took Alice away. 卫兵把爱丽丝带走了。

Help me! Help me!’ Alice shouted. 救我,救救我。爱丽丝叫喊着

She wanted to leave Wonderland. She wantedto leave the Queen. She wanted to leave the strange rabbit and the crazy MarchHare. She didn’t like Wonderland. She wanted to go home.

Suddenly Alice saw a big hole and shejumped in. She fell down and down and down.


Help! Help!’ she shouted. 救命,救命。爱丽丝叫着

Goodbye, goodbye,’ said the cat. 再见 再见,猫说。

A hand touched Alice’s face. She opened hereyes and there was her sister. They were under the tree.一只手抚摸着爱丽丝的脸,她睁开双眼,是姐姐。她们正坐在树下。

Where was Wonderland? Was it a dream? 仙境在哪儿?那是个梦吗?

I went to sleep,’ Alice said to her sister. ‘I think I went toWonderland.’ 我睡着了,爱丽丝对姐姐说:我想我刚才去了仙境。

Her sister smiled ... and somebody elsesmiled. A strange rabbit was in a hole in a tree. He had clothes and a watch...她姐姐笑了...有个人也笑了。树洞里的那只奇诡的兔子,他穿着衣服拿着表...


01.【童话文学】 老虎来喝下午茶 The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

02.【童话文学】 点 The Dot.

03.【童话文学】丑小鸭 The Ugly Duckling

04.【童话文学】三只小猪 The Three Little Pigs

05.【童话文学】白雪公主和七个小矮人 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


07.【小王子】47-48 小王子与狐狸对话-仪式感

08.【童话文学】Where The Wild Things Are 野兽出没的地方

09.【童话文学】杰克与魔豆 Jack and the beanstalk

10.【童话文学】睡美人 Sleeping Beauty.

12.【童话文学】阿里巴巴和四十大盗 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

13.【童话文学】阿里巴巴和四十大盗  下集 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

14.【童话文学】穿靴子的猫 Puss In Boots 

15.【童话文学】穿靴子的猫 下 Puss In Boots 下

16.【儿童文学】阿拉丁和神灯Aladdin and the lamp

17.【童话文学】金发姑娘和三只熊 Goldilocks and the three bear

18.【童话文学】爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 



(二)The Scarecrow and the Sparrow-稻草人和小麻雀

(一)The Caterpillar’s Dreams 毛毛虫的梦想

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