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壹周星闻 女神舒淇闪嫁冯德伦;朱孝天婚礼,"F3"重聚合唱《流星雨》;成龙获奥斯卡终身成就荣誉

发布时间:2022-07-01 19:38:23


相识二十年,相恋四年,决定相伴一生。9月3日舒淇和冯德伦用一把猝不及防的狗粮突然宣布结婚了。除了礼服随性,两人的结婚声明也相当简洁明了,“嗯是的,我们的决定就是这么的突然;嗯是的,我们不会有任何婚宴跟派对…… 嗯是的,我们决定相互纠缠一辈子;喔是的,我们结婚了。”此前早有两人相恋的传闻,但双方一直对恋情守口如瓶。如今传出婚讯,这段四年的浪漫爱情终于浮出水面。 




Hsu Chi (舒淇), 40; Stephen Fung (冯德伦), 42, China


Actress Hsu Chi and actor/director Stephen Fung dropped a bombshell on the public on Sept 3. “Yes, our decision was very sudden and we’re not going to have any wedding ceremony... We decided to be entangled with each other for our life and yes, we’re married,” the newlyweds said in a statement. Rumors have swirled for years that the two were dating but both remained tight-lipped about their romance. In the statement, they revealed that they have been in love for four years.


马上学:Tight-lipped意为“守口如瓶的”,“嘴很严”还可以说lips are sealed/zipped。








Jerry Yan (言承旭), 39; Ken Chu (朱孝天), 37; Vanness Wu (吴建豪), 38, China


Actor Ken Chu and actress Han Wenwen got hitched in Bali on Sept 3, where the wedding turned into a mini reunion of boyband F4. Chu, Jerry Yan and Vanness Wu sang the theme song of Meteor Garden (《流星花园》, 2001) together, bringing fans a bittersweet feeling of nostalgia. But one member of the boy band was noticeably absent. Vic Chou (周渝民) was dealing with something more important as his wife had just given birth. Despite performing as a three-piece, Yan says that their bond is as strong as ever. “Whether it is F1, F2 or 3, these are just numbers. They don’t represent friendship. Actually, we have kept a good relationship,” he told reporters.


马上学:Bittersweet意为“苦乐参半的”。Get hitched指“结婚”。







Jackie Chan, 62, China


Martial arts master Jackie Chan is to be presented with an honorary Oscar, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on Sept 1. He will receive the prize at the Governors Awards on Nov 12. The Academy described him as a kung fu superstar with “dazzling athleticism, inventive stunt work and boundless charisma.” Chan posted a statement on Sina Weibo on Sept 2 to express his thanks to his family, fans and partners. He also set a “small goal”, saying: “I hope that this honorary statuette won’t be my last one. The Oscar’s doesn’t have a rule that you can’t win another golden statue after receiving an honorary one, right?”






向老外介绍G20, 就靠这些英文干货了

你的English和中文讲成这样让我really很想揍你you know吗?




炸了!长腿配长腿, 抖森吻霉霉~外媒扒出的俩人细节都在这里了


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